Toni Stradling: Thank you for coming Rosetta.

Rosetta Price: Thank you for inviting me, Toni.
Rosetta Price smiles.
Toni Stradling: I once read somewhere that Tiny Empires could be described as an addiction within the greater addiction of Second LIFE do you agree with this opinion?
Rosetta Price tilts her head as she tucks her lips in, then bursts out laughing.
Rosetta Price: Yes. Tiny Empires could accurately be described as an addictive game.
Rosetta Price: It is fun to see where each turn will take you, and offer will be made next.
Toni Stradling: yes indeed may I ask you how you first heard of the game?
Rosetta Price smiles.
Rosetta Price: I was on this very island, Charmed Beach Isle, over four years ago. I was hanging out with my new friends at AMS, Rexx Capalini asked me to join. Everyone else was doing it, so I wanted to try it. It wasn't like it was a drug or anything like that, so I did.
Rosetta Price giggles.
Toni Stradling: yes think most are introduced that way, and what do you enjoy most about it?
Rosetta Price: What I enjoyed most in the beginning, was understanding what everyone was talking about.
Rosetta Price: I wanted a King too, ya know?
Rosetta Price: I wanted to hear the chime in my ear and click the buttons, even if my hud was only viewable if I rezzed it on my back.
Toni Stradling: Yes, i recall it took me ages just to understand what they meant by a hud.
Rosetta Price: I enjoy networking and spending time with my friends.
Rosetta Price laughs at Toni, in understanding.
Toni Stradling: and has playing this game helped you to make new friends?
Rosetta Price Yes. It strengthened old friendships, and I met many new friends. Even today, it's always nice to meet others that play TE.
Toni Stradling: Indeed may I ask you about your name in Empires Briarhaven Kajira?
Toni Stradling: Does this have some significance?
Rosetta Price blushes.
Rosetta Price: Yes. It did have a great deal of significance, and it still does in many ways; although, I would like to have it changed to something more fitting.
Toni Stradling: What would you like to be called now?
Toni Stradling: If you could change your title?
Rosetta Price: I have forgotten what my Master suggested, it was awhile ago, when we were waiting for the transfer of power in Charm. I'd have to look it up.
Rosetta Price: But if I were to pick one off the top of my head, it would be "The chocolate Rose."
Toni Stradling: That seems an apt name for you perhaps The queen can arrange that
Rosetta Price smiles. "I’d have to find the one that my Master chose for me. I liked that one too."
Rosetta Price giggles.
Toni Stradling: May I ask if your master still is in Tiny Empires
Rosetta Price: He has an affiliation with a kingdom, yes.
Toni Stradling: Am I correct in thinking that you have already finished the path to royalty?
Rosetta Price: No, not I. I am happy to remain a loyal subject.
Toni Stradling: You would not like to be a Queen one day?
Rosetta Price: While I can be a leader, it is not a role that I desire. I prefer to work in the shadows in most things; unless I'm elected President, of course. I'd take that job.
Toni Stradling: or emperor ha ha
Rosetta Price: No, Sir. I'd not want to be Queen.
Rosetta Price laughs.
Rosetta Price: No way.
Toni Stradling: I agree with you I think it would be very time consuming.
Toni Stradling: Do you play any other games here on second life?
Rosetta Price: I enjoy trivia. I think that is the only game that I like, besides Greedy and Poker.
Toni Stradling: I do not understand how to play greedy but continue to enjoy trivia.
Rosetta Price smiles.
Toni Stradling: Do you play the 3000 game the one set in space?
Rosetta Price: No Sir.
Toni Stradling: Do you think that Tiny Empires will continue to grow or do you think that people will become a bit bored with it and seek other entertainment?
Rosetta Price: I believe that the game will continue to grow. As some people lost interest, there will always be others to come along that want to experience the TE world for themselves.
Toni Stradling: yes I agree may i ask you how you view the use of alts in this game do you think it is acceptable or do you regard it as cheating?
Rosetta Price: That is a very interesting question.
Rosetta Price: I have various opinions on the matter.
Rosetta Price: I have an alt that is in TE. I had the alt for my bored sl moments, but soon I began to miss TE when I was on the alt.
Rosetta Price: I log the alt in less than 15 days a year, to be honest. But I wanted TE when I was logged in on it.
Rosetta Price: I don't believe that it is a fair way to build a team or to gain a monarchy.
Rosetta Price: Especially if you have 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 100 logged in at that same time.
Rosetta Price: Far too time-consuming to me.
Toni Stradling: agreed and I think it takes the main pleasure out of the game which should be social.
Rosetta Price: Exactly.
Rosetta Price: Although, if you talk to yourself, it may seem to be a normal activity, or maybe extreme case of narcissism.
Toni Stradling: Perhaps people though come on here in the hope that they will not have to talk to themselves as they may have to do in real life.
Rosetta Price: Seriously, it does take away from being social, if you play alts regularly.
Toni Stradling: Well Rosetta thank you for coming here today and sharing your thoughts, I hope that the Charm kingdom will be graced by your presence for many years to come.