Toni Stradling: I am here with Heavenly Angel who has kindly taken some time off from her busy life on here to answer a few questions for us. Firstly can you tell us a little bit about how you were introduced to Tiny Empires?

Toni Stradling: Well we are happy you are now in Charm, May I ask you how you arrived here?
AngelRose Ghost: Was December of 2009, We were in the Kingdom of Elysium with Husky Garzo, Husky was getting ready to abdicate and as we were having issues with the person everyone else was going under in the Kingdom, Husky talked with Fran and Rexx and with our then line leader Geo to move us to Charm when he abdicated.
Toni Stradling: May I ask you about the meaning of your title "Fallen Angel", does this have any significance?
AngelRose Ghost: Fallen Angel, is a title which i have given myself more than once, personally it represents me at my worst when I've hit rock bottom. A lot of my friends Tell me that i am an Angel, a sweetie, a great friend, but in my eyes I am just a fallen angel, destined to walk a rocky path in life.
Toni Stradling: Well I think it is to be applauded that you gave some thought to your title, many just seem to have silly ones with no meaning. But perhaps one day you will walk on air and think about changing your title?
AngelRose Ghost: It’s possible one of these days lol, but for now I rather like my Fallen Angel tag, it suites well with my 3K tag :)
Toni Stradling: Do you find that playing this game has helped or hindered you to make friends on second life?
AngelRose Ghost: combo actually, i have made a lot of great friends in second life thanks to Tiny Empires, friends like Francine who are there no matter what, but at the same time I’ve gained and lost friends simply because they didn’t like what kingdom i was in, or that i wouldn’t accept a bribe and leave where i am at. And in retrospect i have lost friends simply because they think Tiny Empires is a waste of lindens and don’t want to be friends with people who play it lol.
Toni Stradling: Could you elaborate please on why people would not want to continue being friends if you play Empires?
AngelRose Ghost: I had one friend stop talking to me simply because Tiny Empires was a waste of Money and was contributing to the Big Brother theory lol, doesn’t make sense to me, but each to their own i guess.
Toni Stradling: Do you have aspirations to become a queen yourself in this game?
AngelRose Ghost: On my main account yes, it is my goal as her to become queen one day, as this account, no, i wouldn’t trade my place on this one for anything.
Toni Stradling: So May I ask you why you have two accounts on here, does this not dilute the enjoyment?
AngelRose Ghost: No it does not dilute the enjoyment, I have two accounts in part to help with Tiny Empires, and for awhile as a getaway from heartache.
Toni Stradling: If you find yourself at a sim where the Hud does not work do you leave at once?
AngelRose Ghost: Depends on what I’m doing in said sim, if its not important then i leave as soon as i see the hud warning.
Toni Stradling: On your profile you describe yourself as a wolfess do you bring this character into your Empires playing?
AngelRose Ghost: Typically no i do not, the only time I’ve brought it into playing the game is to show interested Furs that it’s not just a game for humans, Furries play it to and enjoy playing it.
Toni Stradling: If you were running The Tiny Empires game what changes would you like to introduce?
AngelRose Ghost: hmm, that’s a tricky question cause of how fun the game is now already lol, but if i had the option, maybe having someone other than the GV be able to move inactive people, as long as it was under you, to help with people who no longer play at all.
Toni Stradling: Do you play the new space empires game?
AngelRose Ghost: Yes i play the 3K version, I am a proud member of the 7th Gate of Galactic Hell!
Toni Stradling: Thank you for sparing the time to do this interview and good luck both in your empires life and in your business on here.
AngelRose Ghost: Thank you and not a problem, i enjoyed doing this interview and hope more charmers will come forth to do their own :)