Toni Stradling: I
am here today with Laetitia Vella who has kindly taken some time off
from her busy second life schedule to tell us a little bit about herself
and her role on tiny empires
Toni Stradling: Welcome Laetitia
Laetitia Vella: hello Toni.. nice to meet you!
Photo by Xandrah Sciavo |
Toni Stradling: Nice to meet you as well
Toni Stradling: May I begin by asking you how you first heard of tiny empires
Laetitia Vella: hmmm
Laetitia Vella: it's been awhile now.. let me try to remember
Laetitia Vella: I believe it was through Random Calliope's butterfly group.. back when he used to do butterfly hunts
Laetitia Vella: which I enjoyed doing
Laetitia Vella: and he and his line used that as a recruiting tool for Avalon
Toni Stradling: you are a butterfly enthusiast?
Laetitia Vella: I loved that jewelry at the time
Laetitia Vella: he released many butterflies.. you 'touched' them to catch them
Laetitia Vella: and some of them had pieces of his jewelry in them.. most didn't
Toni Stradling: I see sorry i had visions of you with a net running over the countryside
Toni Stradling: what attracted you to joining tiny empires?
Laetitia Vella: it sounded interesting.. thought I would give it a try
Toni Stradling: and what were your initial reactions?
Laetitia Vella: I had no idea what I was stepping into at first though.. took awhile to catch on
Laetitia Vella: well, I didn't have a great experience initially
Laetitia Vella: I was part of a mass recruitment
Laetitia Vella: and I was put under an avatar who turned out to be an alt that wasn't online much
Laetitia Vella: and no one told me it was an alt
Laetitia Vella: so I was basically left alone and had no guidance, then my downline exploded
Laetitia Vella: and I became a princess in no time.. before I even had 100 personal acres
Laetitia Vella: the alt I was under turned out to have only 5 personal acres
Laetitia Vella: lol
Toni Stradling: how did your download explode?
Laetitia Vella: I found 2 subjects.. and one of them found a subject who was very social.. a dj at a large club.. and she almost immediately had many subjects
Laetitia Vella: so it snowballed because of that
Toni Stradling: I understand, this issue of alts on empires is quite controversial what is your opinion about it?
Laetitia Vella: I think alts are fine
Laetitia Vella: my only problem with it was that I wasn't told
Laetitia Vella: and so I had no support and not nearly as much fun as I hoped to
Laetitia Vella: then because we were such a lot of acres in my downline, my liege was moved to go under a friend of the kings, so that she would become a princess immediately
Laetitia Vella: and she had no interest in supporting or getting to know any of us
Laetitia Vella: so we all felt a little used
Laetitia Vella: that is when we decided to change kingdoms.. and we came to Charm
Toni Stradling: and why did you choose Charm?
Laetitia Vella: one of my downline knew someone here
Laetitia Vella: and so we came
Laetitia Vella: but .. lol.. within a week of coming, I logged in to find that we were no longer with Charm
Toni Stradling: oh?
Laetitia Vella: the liege of my liege had ascended.. and no one had bothered to tell us this would be happening
Laetitia Vella: so we weren't happy with that!
Laetitia Vella: and I contacted Rexx.. and said.. can we come back.. and he invited me to be vicereine..
Laetitia Vella: we have been very happy in Charm.. love the style here and the relaxed nature of the game in this kingdom
Toni Stradling: good, I am glad you are happy here. and yes the lack of information to downlines is a common reason for groups moving perhaps it is assumed that everyone is an alt so that they do not need to be informed of important decisions
Laetitia Vella: yes.. but it's disrespectful and not conducive to having a healthy group morale
Laetitia Vella: my downline is fairly quiet these days.. most people have moved on or maybe don't play much anymore
Laetitia Vella: but when we were active, I made certain that word reached people about things that were happening
Toni Stradling: well fear alas this is normal, I have just purchased an acre of land for my download and had no response at all so please do not worry
Laetitia Vella: oh, I"m not worried
Toni Stradling: perhaps with all games especially on the net there is a time limit and after this people move on?
Laetitia Vella: the people who are still playing are happy and not intent on ambition
Laetitia Vella: yes, I agree
Laetitia Vella: and to be honest, once you have attained a certain level in TE, there is little to hold your attention
Laetitia Vella: I think that's one of the flaws in the game
Toni Stradling: yes I agree as even the serious bribes dry up
Toni Stradling: I used to look forward to peoples attempts to bribe me
Laetitia Vella: well, I've never found bribes accomplished anything
Laetitia Vella: only had one taken, and that was by accident lol
Laetitia Vella: so I think they don't figure into the game much at all
Laetitia Vella: I use them just to give people an opportunity to be rewarded for loyalty by their liege
Toni Stradling: I meant I used to enjoy the conversation that developed from people attempting them, and feel you are correct suspect only those who are just starting the game succumb to them unless they have just split up romantically with their liege
Laetitia Vella: yep
Laetitia Vella: probably true
Laetitia Vella: and I've never used sabotage.. don't like the idea of that at all
Toni Stradling: agreed, it seems a bit underhand
Toni Stradling: I have only ever been here in Charm but have heard that other kingdoms are a bit more competitive
Laetitia Vella: yes, I think so too
Laetitia Vella: for a while earlier this year I had a lot of pressure from on monarch to leave Charm and join him
Laetitia Vella: he quite happily told me that Charm was a dying kingdom and that I was neglecting the best interests of my downline by remaining here
Laetitia Vella: I responded that any of my downline were free to do as they wished.. lol
Toni Stradling: exactly and probably his or her kingdom will die out before this one will
Laetitia Vella: I wouldn't doubt it!
Toni Stradling: well you are obviously doing very well in this game as you have a symbol after your name on the standings I certainly do not and that is a red cross, what does this mean?
Laetitia Vella: hmmmm
Laetitia Vella: vicerine?
Laetitia Vella: I'm not sure
Laetitia Vella: I guess I should know that!
Toni Stradling: ha ha, I think it gives you more powers on here
Laetitia Vella: lol
Laetitia Vella: powers are good!
Toni Stradling: maybe you can turn me into a frog or something
Laetitia Vella: haha
Laetitia Vella: not sure you would like that so much... lol
Laetitia Vella: though there are some people I would consider using that power on..
Toni Stradling: Are there any changes you would like to make in the empires game if you had the power to do so?
Laetitia Vella: I wish that there would be more challenges offered for people who have attained maximum personal acres.. so the game would continue to be of interest for those of us who dont' want to put our efforts into expansion of our downline.. that would keep more people involved..
Laetitia Vella: I know nothing about game creation or programming, but I bet if Ultralite were to gather a think tank together of experienced and passionate players, there would be some excellent suggestions come out of it
Laetitia Vella: oh Toni... Francine says the red cross is an indication of completing research.. I completed disease
Toni Stradling: ahhh so now you will never become sick on here that is a good thing to have
Toni Stradling: i agree with you on your comments about loss of interest once you acquire a certain amount of land I guess though from a commercial point of view they are more interested in persuading new people to buy the game
Laetitia Vella: yes, though if they lose the top people, that is fewer lieges bringing in new subjects
Toni Stradling: very true
Toni Stradling: are there any things you would like to see Charm do which it does not do at present?
Laetitia Vella: no.. I think Francine is a wonderful monarch and that she is doing great things for Charm..
Laetitia Vella: she has really continued the legacy of being a laid back and welcoming place, open to people coming and going as suits them
Laetitia Vella: supporting those who want to move to ascendancy
Laetitia Vella: I love that she has introduced monthly events
Laetitia Vella: and she is open to suggestions from Charmers, I know, for more
Toni Stradling: yes i agree having a monthly event is important as a way of meeting new people
Laetitia Vella: absolutely
Toni Stradling: though whatever time it is held will not be convenient for someone
Laetitia Vella: yes.. time zones are the scourge of sl
Toni Stradling: You seem very busy with your modelling on here I have seen you have won events
Laetitia Vella: yes, I started modeling in the summer of 2010
Laetitia Vella: and have invested a lot of time into it
Laetitia Vella: with good result
Laetitia Vella: it's a very challenging and interesting activity for those people who love fashion and creating beauty
Laetitia Vella: also, for supporting the amazing creators who work in sl
Toni Stradling: and now you are Miss Puerto Rico yes?
Laetitia Vella: no
Laetitia Vella: Miss Costa Rica
Toni Stradling: turns the fire up higher that he is currently standing on.
Laetitia Vella: hehe
Laetitia Vella: np
Laetitia Vella: it's a lot to keep straight
Toni Stradling: sorry well it is dawn here
Toni Stradling: is the modelling the most enjoyable experience for you here on second life?
Laetitia Vella: oh no
Laetitia Vella: there are many things about sl I love
Toni Stradling: do tell please
Laetitia Vella: I've begun to investigate the live music scene.. and it's fabulous!
Laetitia Vella: so many amazing musicians of all sorts.. and you can go hear them perform for free, though if you can afford it, it's important to support both the musicians and the venues by tipping, to keep the scene alive
Laetitia Vella: I love to visit sims and see all the great builds of various types.. in my early days I would spend hours just exploring.. love that
Laetitia Vella: I have written for magazines here. and hope to continue doing more of that in the future
Laetitia Vella: I love recreational activities as well - playing greedy with friends, going scuba diving or surfing
Laetitia Vella: riding horses
Laetitia Vella: meeting new people is one of my favourite pastimes.. I have friends from all over the world..
Laetitia Vella: and I love to dance.. can always use another good dance partner!
Toni Stradling: now now I am sure you must have a very busy dance card young lady
Laetitia Vella: oh, I have kept very busy with modeling.. both for fashion and for photographers exhibitions..
Laetitia Vella: but can never dance enough
Toni Stradling: well you are clearly living the second life to its full and it was kind of you to spare the time and share with us today.
Toni Stradling: Many thanks Laetitia
Laetitia Vella: thank you so much, Toni.. I appreciate the opportunity to meet you.