Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hawaiian party - August 11, 2012

Had a great time with this party
hope everyone had a blast. 
DJ Corvan and Hostess Lundy did their best to impress 
and pulled off another great evening!
Photos below:


 91 Showin us his dance moves!

 Betsy took in the sun before dancing!

 ChristieAnna spent some time with us!

 ChristieAnna's view as she danced the night away!

 DJ Corvan is his birds nest!

 DJ Corvan at closing time!

Francine dancing as usual!

 Night time view (AMS in background)

 Day time view (Castle Charm in background)

 Henry stopped by.

 Distant view of the dance floor with Castle Charm

 Hostess Lundy danced into the wee hours!

 Hostess Lundy and girins groovin' to the beat!

 Mak got his Hawaiian on!

 Rorke showin us he has a fun side!


Thanks to  91 Luminos for providing some of the photos.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Interview with Desari Aeon - July 2, 2012

Toni Stradling: It is such a beautiful summers day here at Twilight Cove that I have even  removed my jacket. I am here with Desari Aeon who has kindly given up some of her time to chat to me today.
Toni Stradling: Hello and nice to meet you Desari

Desari Aeon:  hello and likewise

Toni Stradling: perhaps we can start by asking you how you heard of the empires game and what attracted you to it?

Desari Aeon: I first heard of the game from my spouse at the time, Geo, and it gave me something to do while dancing at a couple clubs that i used to go to
Toni Stradling: this was your spouse on here?

Desari Aeon: lol no he was my spouse RL too

Toni Stradling: ahhh and what appealed to you about the game?

Desari Aeon: was something that presented a challenge, something to do when i was really bored lol, then just became something I was always doing

Toni Stradling: yes I once saw it described as an addiction within an addiction

Desari Aeon: very to the point yes lol

Toni Stradling: so please tell us did you join your husband in his kingdom?

Desari Aeon: yes i joined Geo in thousand lights, where he was back then and have stayed with him in some way through out all the changeovers lol

Toni Stradling: and now you are here in Charm was that by choice or through the kingdom changing?

Desari Aeon: we ascended out of Thousand lights, and after a few kingdom bounces landed here thankfully

Toni Stradling: Are there any major differences between the kingdoms you were in? I myself have only ever been in Charm
Desari Aeon: compared to the others Charm is more laid back so to speak, everyones entitled to play how they want without repercussions from the upline and its a lot more fun since we joined Charm, thousand lights and bristol both took the game way to seriously to point where under some people if it were a guy lieged to a female it was in essance a marriage of types which has always confused me lol

Toni Stradling: well that certainly sounds most distressing I would not have like to have been married to one of the lieges  I had

Desari Aeon: oh it was, that was actually how i got introduced to the game, nothing like having your spouse tell you hes married to someone in a mini game just for being their subject lol

Toni Stradling: yes that must have made your domestic situation quite confusing

Desari Aeon: not really i made my thoughts on it very clear to him and her and then to the person who suggested the idea in the first place, which stopped that line of thought for a few of them at least

Toni Stradling: do you still get the same pleasure out of playing the game or has it waned as most games tend to do?

Desari Aeon: I'm not on as much as I used to be but when I am i still enjoy it as much and have some challenges in the game that I still have to meet

Toni Stradling: oh do tell what these are please

Desari Aeon: well the biggest goal is getting myself to personal princess, I've been playing TE for 4 years and still havent gotten far beyond personal duchess lol, even though I am in fact princess rank

Toni Stradling: I am sorry can you explain the difference twixt princess rank and being a personal princess
Desari Aeon: princess rank means 1000 total acres, personal princess means 1000 personal acres

Toni Stradling: ahhhh i see thank you and one day would you like to be a queen?

Desari Aeon: oh no, not me lol, I'm happy just being a follower in this game and helping my cousin obtain her goals

Toni Stradling: oh you have other members of your real life family playing this?

Desari Aeon: yes i do, my Cousin Skylar plays and is the current head of our group with her ideas for being a queen herself :)

Toni Stradling: i find it quite refreshing that you are open about second life with your real family many keep it as some kind of a secret pastime

Desari Aeon: some understand it and some dont, i see second life as a way of making friends who with any luck can become good Rl friends as well, and if anything else its a constant learning experience

Toni Stradling: agreed, is there anything you feel Charm should be doing which it is not at present?

Desari Aeon:  not really no lol, im not on enough to know everything that goes on in Charm but i know myself and those who came with our group to Charm have had nothing but good to say so cant really improve on that lol

Toni Stradling: well that is encourgaing to hear. if you were able to make any changes to the Empires game what would they be?

Desari Aeon:  hmmm only change i would love to see is how much gold per acre we can get without having to have fed active lol :)

Toni Stradling: yes that is a good point. Has playing the game helped you make more friends on second life or as some think has it restricted the number of friends you have made?

Desari Aeon: hasnt really made a difference for me lol, my friends come from all areas of SL from the Furry community to strictly human and are friends because of mutual interests,  however i have convinced a few of them to play in the game, even if they no longer play now :)

Toni Stradling: good, may i ask you why you choose to be a furry as you term it on here?

Desari Aeon: i actually bounce between human and fur, or neko which is a cross between the two, because im comfortable in all areas on here, Furry however is a bit more open to anyone who comes in doesnt matter who you are as long as your as laid back as the rest lol

Toni Stradling: I see and you are presumably enjoying the whole second life experience for you to be on here still after 4 years?

Desari Aeon: yes i still enjoy it, however I'm not on as much as I was when i started, RL is more of the priority than here but when Im on its still as fun as the old days lol if not a little quieter

Toni Stradling: well Desari it was very kind of you to come over and share your thoughts with us

Desari Aeon: not a problem, just glad i remembered to get online this time lol

Toni Stradling: ok cheers it was good to meet you and I hope we meet again maybe at the next charm function

Desari Aeon: likewise

Toni Stradling: take care bye for now

Desari Aeon: you too