Sunday, April 20, 2008

January 29, 2008 Message from King Rexx

So from time to time people ask me what Charm is about, and what we're cool with. Wanted to take the opportunity to put this stuff to virtual parchment.

Most of this is from the Ascension notice but there's a couple of clarifications, additions...

Hate it! If they're already in our line, why steal 'em? There's no "I" in team, and there are plenty of other more populous lines to bribe from. Bribes not working? Try Find a target, look at their profile go to their picks, shmooze 'em. TE is the GREATEST place to meet new people. I've made countless friends and met amazing people from it. Please don't piss of your peers by taking their people. It's just rude.

So to clear up a point on this, I'm totally cool with *bribes* in the HUD for Charm folks, just not poaching by standing next to a person. Why? Because when they refuse it, it gives their liege the option to reward them! This moves the gold downwards where it can be put to work in the hands of the person that is helping you both get to your goal. Bribers, if you could make sure you send an IM to the bribee, letting them know your trying to get them some gold. Lieges, Make sure you click "Yes" to reward your folks when they decline bribe offers!

I LOVE that this is in here. It's great to see the different lines and the tacts they take. The so called "evil" empires like Sparta that do it as a matter of course... Adds a great dynamic, love it. Having said that... Really? Nothing better to spend your gold on? I've never sabotaged. Not even that girl that told me my avi was ugly when I offered her a bribe and followed up in IM... U know who you are... Pffft! So it's up to you, I think it's lame but not gonna tell you not to. I AM gonna ask you to please refrain from sabotaging Bohemians (truly, our mother Kingdom. We would not exist if not for Queen Julie), Loths (Have you seen Bootskis 1st life profile pic?! OMFG! HOT!) and umm, that's it. Treaty information will be kept and updated in the group charter.

Taking a bribe
Ok, face it... Sometimes your liege just sucks. Either really or maybe just in your mind. Gotta jump! Meh, what can you do... Make the move. But if you jump for the sole purpose of making gold? I can tell you it's a bad move. It typically costs more to move back, plus you now have a liege who is not gonna wanna invest in you. Your liege has the option (if they are online) of paying you gold when u refuse a bribe. Why not say no, and IM them about it instead of yes, thinking you can come back... When you see a bribe offer, always assume there's no going back, and make your decision accordingly.

Bribe Dispute Resolution
Lieges... If someone in your line takes a bribe somewhere else in Charm Kingdom? DO NOT IM me about it! I don't care! Take a look at yourself. Are your time schedules compatible? Did you explain the rules properly to your subjects? Are you showing proper "love" when they decline a bribe offer? etc., etc... Sometimes people are just flaky... Welcome to SL. Not sure what you think I'll be able to do about it. We're all adults! Work it out! Send an IM. And remember... You catch more flies with honey, or err, Charm. :D

I put out a weekly notecard with Business Owner/Venus LMs and a short description of the place. That way we get a chance to support our own!
Please send me your LMs if you have a place you'd like advertised in the weekly.

I'm handing out titles folks! At the moment they cost me 20 million and rising so it goes slower than I'd like. Just drop a notecard on my profile with what you'd like it to be and I'll burn through 'em as fast as I get the random favor offer and the gold. There is a 20 character limit. so keep that in mind. And they are PERMANENT, a title will replace your Duke/Duchess, Prince/Princess title with something of your own choosing. For life. I'll try and contact you when I get the offer before hand to make sure you and your direct subjects are on, the Kings Favour has a mini-trader like effect with purchased land containing gold, etc. so it's best to do it when all can benefit from it.


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